
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Book in a Box with Graphic 45 by Djana Venolia

You know I love re-purposing stuff... During CHA I received a group of Brazilian girls that became friends. They all came from Minas Gerais in the southeast of Brazil. A rich culture with fun and hard worker people. One of them brought me some food goodies, which I loved and ate them all, of course.
One of these goodies came inside a wood box that I saved to create something... And here it is:

It is not just a box, it holds a precious book with pictures of my daughter and her two pets. It is a love story for sure. Now, let's dive in...

She loves cats and dogs... and any other creatures too!!!

Meeting Pagode for the first time. Love at the first sight for sure. It happened to me too :-)

But Pagode has a pet buddy... Kawaii was already rooming at our house for about 4 years.

Before she had Pagode, the dog she SUPed by herself.

Then he joined her... And he loves SUPping too (when the water is not too cold.)

Pagode adapted very easy and in a few days he was feeling at home!

And bringing joy :-)

And they love to sleep together...

The binding allowed a lot of extra embellishments and growth.

I also played with Ice Resin for the first time since my class at CHA. It was fun.

We have a video-class with the make of the box if you want to watch.
Thank you for stopping by.


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